An affordable, full-featured graphical user interface for Gaussian
GaussView makes using Gaussian simple and straightforward. Sketch in molecules using its advanced 3D Structure Builder, or load in molecules from standard files. Set up and submit Gaussian jobs right from the interface, and monitor their progress as they run. Examine calculation results graphically via state-of-the-art visualisation features: display molecular orbitals and other surfaces, view spectra, animate normal modes, geometry optimisations and reaction paths.
GaussView supports all Gaussian features, and it includes graphical facilities for generating keywords and options, molecule specifications and other input sections for even the most advanced calculation types. GaussView makes it simple to set up ONIOM layers, unit cells for Periodic Boundary Conditions jobs, CASSCF active spaces, molecule specifications for transition structure optimisations using the STQN method, and so on.
New Features in GaussView 6
Some of the new features in GaussView 6 are:
Results Visualization Features
Anharmonic Frequency Analysis
GaussView 6 can display results for both harmonic and anharmonic frequency analysis for IR, Raman, VCD and ROA spectra. The predicted anharmonic peaks and intensities are reported along with the harmomic peaks and intensities. Overtone and combination bands are included. The spectra can also be viewed graphically, either separately or on the same plot.
PCM Solvation Cavity
GaussView 6 can display the solvation cavity used for an SCRF calculation. It can display the surface as a solid, a mesh, or as a series of points. The solvation cavity display can be customized.
GaussView 6 can now plot the results of an Optical Rotary Displacement calculation. The ORD results for every molecule in a molecule group can be displayed in a single plot.
Vibronic Spectra
GaussView 6 can now display the results of vibronic analysis, including vibronic spectra and Duschinky matrices.
Enhanced Calculation Summary
GaussView 6 provides an extensive summary of calculation results:
The Overview tab displays the key information from the calculation. New items inlcude the solvation model and the polarizability.
The Thermo tab is active for frequency jobs, and it lists the various thermochemical quantities predicted by the calculation.
The Opt tab is active for optimization jobs, and it lists the progress towards convergence for the current optimization step, including the maximum and RMS force and displacement. The predicted energy change is also included.
Saving Movies
You can use GaussView6 to save movies of normal mode animations and vibrational normal modes as MP4 video files. When saving normal mode animations, you can specify how often the sequence repeats, whether it plays in forward or in reverse, and adjust the speed and fluidity of the animation. Vibration animations offer options for changing the magnitude of the displacement as well as displaying vectors for the displacement and dipole derivatives.
Combined Plots
GaussView 6 now allows you to view data from multiple sources as a combined plot. The customization options allow you to:
Change the lines are represented: as lines, sticks, or a combination of the two.
Specify line/stick characteristics, such as thickness and color.
Plot a combination line and specify its appearance.
Assign weights to the component data sets, including Boltzmann averaging.
Job Setup Features
One Step Multi-Job Setup
With GaussView 6, you can set up a Gaussian job for a group of molecules in just a few steps. The process is as follows:
Ensure all the molecules are within a single molecule group.
Specify the job type, model chemistry, title and other keywords as usual in the Gaussian Calculation Setup.
Click the Assign to Molecule Group button to apply the settings to all the molecules in the group.
When saving, set Save Molecule Group to create a separate file for each molecule. Prefixes and/or molecule numbers can be added to each file.
GMMX Conformer Search
GaussView 6 can perform a confrontational search for conformations using the GMMX add-on module. You can set up a search using one or both of the following available search methods:
In a Cartesian search, each of the heavy atoms is moved by some random distance in each of the X, Y and Z dimensions. This is a good method for exploring the conformational space about a local minima.
With the Bonds method, each of the selected bonds is rotated by some random amount. This normally provides large changes in the conformation of the molecule, and it is a good method for hopping between local minima.
For ring systems, the Ringmaker strategy of Still is included in the Bonds method. This involves breaking one bond in a ring, rotating about the remaining bonds, and then trying to reclose the ring. If the bond length or the bond angles of the reclosed ring are not reasonable, the conformation is rejected, and a new attempt is made. This method works well with flexible rings of size 8 or larger. Rings of limited flexibility, such as fused rings or rings with double bonds, do not work well and should not be included in a ring search. These systems will work fine with just the Cartesian search method.
Once GMMX completes, all of the conformations found will be displayed in a list, and they can be opened as a single molecule group. You can also display an energy plot for the set of conformations.
SC Job Manager
The SC Job Manager is a queuing system for the local computer that is built in to GaussView 6. Jobs can be set up, added to a queue, and left to run automatically without any additional action.
There are three separate queues for you to use, and each of them can be customized to specify the number of jobs that will run concurrently. The status of the jobs can be viewed through the SC Job Manager’s Running Jobs and Finished Jobs tabs. The SC Job Manager also allows you to edit the job types and specify default queues, along with other advanced settings.
GaussView’s point-group symmetry feature allows you to increase the symmetry of the current molecule. A molecule can be constrained to a specific point group, and all future modifications to the structure will maintain that symmetry.
GaussView 6 now allows you to reduce the symmetry of a molecule you are working on. Preserving some molecular symmetry is useful for setting up calculations that involve Jahn-Teller distortions. The graphic below shows the current point group being modified from D3h to D3.
Brush Selection Tool
GaussView6 now offers three different tools to use in order to select atoms within a molecule. The newest addition to this is the brush tool. This tool is used to quickly select atoms in a dense cluster that would be too numerous and inefficient to select each individually, or impossible to select using another bulk selection tool.
New Job Setup Features
The Gaussian Calculation Setup dialog in GaussView6 contains many new features, some are highlighted below:
A: The Job Preview panel from the Gaussian Calculation Setup dialog shows the generated input file.
B: New controls enable retrieving data from checkpoint files and specifying the %OldChk directive.
C: You can specify the maximum disk usage for the job.
D: New job types include predicting polarizabilities and ORD.
E: There is an expanded panel for specifying population analysis.
F: New Gaussian 16 capabilities are supported: e.g., anharmonic IR/Raman, VCD annd ROA calculations.
G: View the contents of the Default.Route file