Grapher is the ultimate technical graphing package available. Discover how this powerful, easy-to-use, dynamic program will help you create superior publication-quality professional graphs in minutes! Wow your audience every time they see your graphs.
Create one of more than 70 unique graph types. Create 2D or 3D line, scatter, function, class scatter, bubble, step, vector, bar charts, and floating bar chart graphs. Create line, scatter, function, class scatter, vector, bar, rose, wind rose, and radar polar plots. Create line, scatter, class scatter, or bubble ternary diagrams. Display high-low-close, candlestick, or stiff diagram specialty plots. Create statistical graphs including box-whisker plots, 2D and 3D histograms, 2D and 3D pie charts, 2D and 3D doughnut plots, Q-Q plots, and normal Q-Q plots. Create contour and surface plots from data, grids, or functions. Virtually all aspects of the graph, axes, legend, and plot can be customized to display your data exactly the way you want.
What's new in version 19?
Filter data in and out of your plots with the flexible new Data Filter
Automatically disperse overlapping labels
Reorder legend entries for text-based class plots
Label your plots and axes with the new percentage label option
Align or Distribute objects to the page margins
Status Bar improvements
Many more!
Features of Grapher
Basic Graph Types
All graph types in Grapher give you full control over all graph parameters. Combine multiple graph types to present your data in a completely new way! Alter any property of any of the graph types to create compelling new graphs. You can accept the intelligent Grapher defaults to automatically create a plot, or click any aspect of the graph to easily customize those features.
Line, Scatter, and Line/Scatter plots display data as a line, as symbols, or as a combination of line and symbols. Alter line colours, symbols colours, or fill between curves.3D Ribbon, 3D Wall, 3D Ribbon/Wall Plots display the same data, but with a 3D view.
Function Plots display mathematical functions. Plot Y as a function of X, or plot a parametric equation where X and Y are a function of a third variable, T.
Step Plots display linear data in a similar manner to line/scatter plots. Except, with step plots, connecting lines are only vertical and horizontal. All other parts of the plot are editable exactly like the line/scatter plot.
Bar Graph Types
Bar type graphs display data as boxes, cones, spindles, diamonds, or as an image. All bar type graphs can be displayed either horizontally or vertically. All bar type graphs can be displayed as 2D or 3D. As with all graph types in Grapher, you have full control over all graph parameters.
Bar charts are made from XY data (or XYZ data for 3D XYZ plots) in a worksheet. The bar is shown at the height indicated in the worksheet cell. Alter line colours, fill colours, orientation, or bar chart shapes. Bar charts can be stacked or adjacent, when multiple data exists for each value.
Statistical Graph Types
Statistical type graphs include 2D and 3D histograms, pie charts, doughnut plots, and 2D box-whisker plots and Q-Q plots. Histograms can be displayed either horizontally or vertically. Box-whisker plots can be displayed with or without notches. Pie charts and doughnut plots can be displayed in 2D or 3D. Q-Q plots can compare two different data sets or any data set to the normal distribution. As with all graph types in Grapher, you have full control over all graph parameters.
Polar Graph Types
Polar plots display data on polar coordinates, using degree, radian, or grad data versus a radial distance. The degree, radian or grad data are displayed on a circular angle axis. The second axis is a radial axis showing the distance from the center of the circle. Polar plots can display mathematical functions, line/scatter data, vectors, class plots, bars, rose diagrams (histograms), or wind charts. In addition, a special type of polar graph, a radar graph, is also available.
Ternary Graph Types
Ternary diagrams are a special type of graph where the data is displayed on three axes in a triangular appearance. The data is normalized to 100% of the various parts. So, each point on the ternary diagram represents the fractions of the various components. Ternary diagram plots can display line plots, scatter plots, line/scatter plots, class plots, and bubble plots.
Specialty Graphs
Specialty graph include high-low-close plots, vector plots, ternary diagrams, and stiff diagrams. Each graph has its own rules and displays in a completely unique way. As with all graph types in Grapher, you have complete control over all aspects of the graph.
Contour and Surface Maps
Contour maps can be displayed over any contour range or interval. You can color fill the contours in any way you would like. Add a color legend to make reading the contour map even easier! Contour maps can be created directly from a data file or from a Surfer GRD file. As with other graph types, you have full control over all options.
Surface maps display XYZ data in a smooth color filled surface. Surface maps use color and shading to emphasis changes in data.
Customize Your Graph
Graphs can be customized in many different ways. Each portion of the graph can be altered to fit your needs. Set the axes to several different scales, link multiple axes, add graph titles, legends, summation plots, graph magnifiers, or drawn objects to complete the graph in exactly the way you want.
Fit Curves
Curve fitting routines help depict trends in your data. Select pre-defined fits or define a custom fit to add to the graph. Display fits for Line and Scatter Graphs, Step Plots, Polar Graphs and Histograms.
Axis Types
Grapher has four axis scales: linear, logarithmic (base 10), natural logarithmic, and probability. Use Grapher's default settings or specify custom settings for all axis parameters.
Axes can be linked so that changes to one axis automatically change other axes.
Error Bars
Error Bars are displayed on Line and Symbol Graphs and on Bar Charts. Display error bars for the average value, sample standard deviation, population standard deviation, or standard error of the mean. Or, calculate custom error bars in the worksheet and display them on the graph. Once you have the error bars displayed exactly as you want them, connect the error bars with a line or export the error bar values to a new data file.
Graph Wizard
The updated Graph Wizard is an easy to use step by step command that creates a graph for you using default, customizable parameters. Select the type of graph, the worksheet and the columns to use and the wizard does the rest. Add curves to existing graphs or create new graphs with the wizard. After the graph is created, it can be edited by double clicking on any portion of the graph.
Object and Property Manager
The object manager makes the editing of any object simple. It displays all the objects in the plot document in an easy-to-use hierarchical list of objects. The objects can be selected, arranged, removed, and renamed in the object manager.
Labels and Curve Filling
Labels can be added to all graph types. All properties of the labels can be changed easily, including numeric format, adding bold or italics, changing the font size or style, or changing the label color. In addition, labels can be moved so that neighboring labels do not overlap.
Worksheet Features
Grapher lets you work with your data in many ways to achieve the exact output you want. Grapher includes a full-featured worksheet for creating, opening, editing, and saving data files. Data files can be up to one billion rows and columns, subject to available memory. You can cut, copy, and paste data within the Grapher worksheet or between applications.
Create your own scripts to automate repetitive tasks! Don’t spend time doing the same process over and over again – write a simple script to simplify your life!
Additional Features
Grapher is packed full of additional features designed to help you communicate effectively and professionally.
Edit multiple objects at once.
Copy the format of any object to any other object. Properties copied to the new objects include line, fill, symbol, and other properties.
Customize Grapher by selecting the default settings. Customize most settings for each graph type!
Drag and drop plots into or out of graphs and to another graph.
Control line styles, color, opacity, and width.
Add axis titles and graph titles.
Add legends to most graph types.
Add drawing objects to any graph such as points, lines, polygons, rectangles and ellipses.
Add an Inset Zoom object to highlight a small section of the page.
Create custom colors, lines, and fill patterns.
Display clipped bars to the clipping limit.
Clip fit curves and confidence intervals.
Reshape polylines and polygons using the reshape tool.
Combine and break apart composite objects.
Edit individual objects in a composite without first breaking apart.
Rotate all drawn objects, imported objects and graphs.
View all objects using the Object Manager.
Edit all objects in the tabbed Property Manager.
Keep the Object Manager and Property Manager available -- even while editing.
Lock the position of any object to prevent accidental movements.
Lock the size of any object to prevent accidental resizing.
Use the Arrange command to move objects forward or backward in the drawing order.
Add a variety of arrows to the ends of polylines.
Digitize data from a graph using a large crosshair that extends to the rulers. Write the data to a ASCII file to create new graphs.
Fix the digitizing process directly to the line or digitize anywhere in the plot window.
Display and edit detailed areas of a graph using the Zoom commands.
Calculate the area under a curve.
Switch between two different plot types. For example, change your line plot into a bar chart.
Switch between 2D and 3D plots. For example, change your line plot into a ribbon/wall plot.
Use commas for decimal separators.
Use any character for thousands separators.
Reload all data for a graph with a single command.
Change the worksheet for any graph.
Click on a graph and have the data highlighted in the worksheet.
Copy and paste graphs into most Windows applications.
Print to any supported Windows printer or plotter.
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