Mathcad Prime 10.0
We're Australia’s and New Zealand's largest distributor of Mathcad.
Mathcad enables professionals worldwide to perform, document, manage and share calculation and design work. Mathcad's easy-to-use whiteboard interface combines live, natural mathematical notation, text and graphs into a single worksheet making Mathcad ideal for knowledge capture, calculation, sharing and reuse.

Mathcad Prime 9.0 is the latest release of Mathcad, the industry standard software for engineering calculations.
New Features of Mathcad Prime 9.0
- Symbolic Solving with Solve Block
- Partial Differential Equation Solver
- Symbolic Solving of Ordinary Differential Equationsn
- Custom color pickerr
- Go-to Page
- Text Styles
- Gradient Operator
Other key features
Intuitive Calculations and Units Management
The PTC Mathcad interface combines live, standard mathematical notation with text and graphs:
Integrated numeric and symbolic math allows you to see both the calculation as well as the reasoning behind designs
Automatic unit checking and conversion
Leverage hundreds of predefined units
Define custom units
Calculate using standard operators for algebra, calculus, logic, linear algebra, and more
Evaluate, solve & manipulate expressions symbolically
Support for various data types including:
- Scalar, vectors and matrices
- Complex numbers
Content Protection
This provides area protection and locking so that you control the degree of access and the visibility you want others to have. Now you can show your work to a broader audience more effectively and without fear of compromising your IP.
Integrate Microsoft® Excel® component to enable bidirectional data passing with PTC Mathcad worksheet content
Connect to external data files using read and write functions for various file formats including:
Incorporate embedded content from external applications (OLE)
Solvers for linear and nonlinear systems of algebraic and differential equations
Optimize constrained systems u sing the robust and powerful KNITRO® engine
Display symbolic solutions to systems of equations
Add logic using familiar programming operators and natural math notation
Loops (for, while)
Conditional statements (if, else if, else)
Error catching (try/on error)
Build recursive functions
Don’t “do it yourself”. Mathcad includes built-in functions for all these purposes and many more, independent of industry:
Curve fitting and smoothing
Data analysis and statistics
Design of experiments
Signal and image processing
Fourier transform
Digital filtering
File Access
Data Visualization
Seeing is believing.
X Y plots scatter, line, column, bar, stem, waterfall, error, box, and effects
3-D plots
Polar plots
Contour plots
Mathcad 15 Features
Highlights of the enhancements in Mathcad 15.0 include:
Integration with Kornucopia software – Kornucopia by Bodie Technology, is designed to reduce time and effort spent on analysis by providing functions and templates using Mathcad-based documented workflows, that improves interpretations and value of experimental data and simulation results
Support for Microsoft Excel 2007 – Leverage the following functions and features with Excel: READEXCEL(), WRITEEXCEL(), READFILE, the data import wizard, and the Excel Add-in
Computational Capabilities
High-end numerics - Perform summations, products, derivatives, integrals, and Boolean operations; apply trigonometric, exponential, hyperbolic, and other functions and transforms.
Live symbolics - Simplify, differentiate, integrate and transform expressions algebraically; Mathcad’s patented live symbolics technology automatically recalculates algebraic solutions and allows you to use them in subsequent calculations.
Statistical and data analysis - Generate random numbers or histograms, fit data to built-in and general functions, interpolate data, and build probability distribution models.
Units support - Include units in calculations, perform unit conversions,and automatically check dimensions. Add domain-specific units.Convert results to any unit system or custom values. Currency units effectively document engineering cost and economic evaluations.
Key Benefits of Using Mathcad
Design of Experiments (DoE) - Reduce the time and expense of conducting experiments through DoE by understanding the variable interactions that will influence the experiment. DoE helps identify critical factors and optimal settings for a complex process. It provides templates for fewer, yet more intelligent experiments which are indispensable when having multiple variables and levels.
Math editing
Write equations using standard math notation
Simple equation editor – intuitive and natural entry
Ribbon and / or keyboard entry
Use standard operators for algebra, calculus, logic, linear algebra and more
Numeric evaluation
Symbolic evaluation, operations, and solving
Automatic update of results
Single or multithreaded calculation
Support for real and complex numbers
Document creation and editing
Document-centric, WYSIWYG approach
Text boxes, blocks, images, tables, plots and equations combined in a single document
Engineering paper-like grid for easy alignment of text and equations
Collapsible areas to organize and streamline the document presentation
WYSIWYG editing of headers and footers
Find/replace in text and equations
Toggle between page and draft views
- Save document as XPS and PDF
Comprehensive unit support throughout all numeric and symbolic calculations, functions, solve blocks, tables, vectors / matrices, and plots
Automatic unit checking and conversion
Automatic unit reduction and highlighting
Hundreds of predefined units and ability to easily create more
Support for SI, USGS, and CGS unit systems
Hundreds of functions covering wide range of general and special applications
General purpose basic and advanced functions -- Trigonometric, hyperbolic, log, exponential, Bessel, Fourier transforms, number theory piecewise continuous, and calculus functions
Probability and Statistics -- Probability density, probability distribution, statistics and random number functions
Curve fitting, smoothing, interpolation and prediction
Design of Experiments (DoE) functions -- Design matrices, factor screening, ANOVA, Monte Carlo simulation
Other special applications -- Signal processing -- Image processing -- Finance -- Wavelet
Plotting and graphing
XY plots: scatter, line, column, bar, stem, waterfall, error, box, effects
3-D plots: scatter, surface, curve
Polar plots
Contour plots
Multiple advanced solvers for linear and nonlinear systems of algebraic and differential equations
Higher-level descriptive math in an easy to read textbook-like solve block format
State-of-the-art algorithms for nonlinear optimization using the robust and powerful KNITRO® engine
Support for parameterized modeling, enabling solutions to nested complex problems with seamless plot integration
Ability to incorporate symbolic results into numerical functions
Vectors and matrices
Linear algebra operators and functions
Automatic, element-wise application for many functions and operators
Easy and intuitive editing
Embedded Microsoft® Excel® component allows bidirectional integration with Mathcad worksheet content
Spec tables for defining parameters and constants
Read and write function supporting a variety of data formats (text, Excel, binary, image etc.)
Specialized data analysis and data manipulation functions
Use familiar programming operators (for-loop, while-loop, if-then-else, etc.) to define functions of any complexity
Seamless integration of equations within programs
User interface
Integration and interoperability
PTC Creo® Parametric®
PTC Windchill 10.0
Open PTC Mathcad Prime 1.0 and 2.0 worksheets
Convert PTC Mathcad 7 through PTC Mathcad 15.0 using MCD, XMCD Converter
Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010
Resources, help and support
Integrated, context-sensitive help with live examples
Integrated access to the PTC LearningConnector
PTC standard and sustained maintenance support program
PTC online community
Integrated license acquisition and management
64-bit or 32-bit versions available for Windows® XP (SP3), Windows Vista®, Windows 7
Available in English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Russian, and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)